Roaming Returns

040 - How To Eliminate The Worry Of Outliving Your Retirement With Dividend Investing

Tim & Carmela Episode 40

Most retirement plans were created based on individuals living 15 to 20 years into retirement, but people are starting to live much longer than that. This longevity risk has become such a problem that pensions are starting to change the way they payout and how much.

If you aren't one of the lucky ones with a pension, living longer than expected still puts a strain on your own retirement funds. And don't expect social security to pick up the slack. In fact, it might be non existent by the time you reach retirement age. 

The only real way to avoid running out of money in retirement is to take matters into your own hands and to invest in dividend paying stocks that continue to increase their payouts. 

We want you to be able to live longer, happier and healthier, because you can have it all with the right strategy. 

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