Roaming Returns
Learn how to generate passive income through investing, so you can secure your finances and liberate your life. We've tried pretty much every type of investing. Most take too long to reap rewards and you have to sell your investments to get any usable cash. Short term strategies are stressful, risky, and keep you glued to a screen all day.
Other kinds of passive income take a lot of capital or work to start up. Owning physical real estate comes with headaches and often high capital investment or risk because of debt. And starting an online following or small business requires active management, updates, and customer service.
There's a better way to make passive income that starts rolling in in just 30 days, and if you follow our strategy you can grow it much faster than you ever thought possible. Imagine being able to retire early on a fraction of the capital and never worrying about running out of money. New episodes drop every Tuesday.
Roaming Returns
061 - Why Saying "I Can't" Is Derailing Your Financial Success
Ever seen someone doing something amazing and as soon as they tell you how, you immediately say “I can’t so that”
This one phrase can literally be the thing holding you back from achieving whatever your heart desires, not just in finance but everything else life.
How you talk whether out loud or in your head, makes all the difference.
Today we’re going to discuss what happens when you say I can’t and what you can do instead that will actually help get you moving towards the things you want to do.
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