Roaming Returns

084 - Our Biggest Stock Screw Ups In 2024 That Cost Us Tons Of Money

Tim & Carmela Episode 84

It’s that time of year when we like to review all of our stock decisions to see what we messed up on. 

And trust me, we had some doozies this year. Wait until you hear these numbers.

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There are 2 reasons we review our trades. 

#1 It keeps us from becoming arrogant little buttholes. Staying humble keeps you from making huge mistakes and losing it all.

#2 It forces us to learn things we might not have been able to otherwise. The more you know about something, the more you realize how much you still need to improve.

And with investing, things are always changing so we need to continue to make sure that our process is locked down to reach and keep our goals. 

Sharing these screw ups let’s you know we’re no different than you. Beating yourself up over mistakes just causes anxiety. And laughter is the best medicine. 

So now let's cover the 9 woopsiedaisies that left us reeling this year so you can laugh with us, or at us, or both.

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Ticker metrics change as markets and companies change, so always do your own research. The content in this podcast is based on personal experience and is for educational purposes, not financial advice. See full disclaimer here.

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